Thursday, September 27, 2007

Forbidden Lie$ on the radio

Later today, in about 15 minutes in fact! on Eastside 89.7 FM i'll be appearing on Cinemascape, the station's weekly show about the movies. This week I'll be passing judgement on Anna Broinowski's fabulous documentary Forbidden Lie$. The film attempts to discover the truth about the best selling book Forbidden Love and its author Norma Khouri. Whether fact or fiction, the film tries to uncover one of the biggest litary cons of this generation. If Khouri's best friend was murdered in an honour killing in Jordan or if her friend ever really existed. If you are reading this now and living in Sydney...tune in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whether Norma Khouri's book is fact or fiction, "honor" killings such as Dalia's in "Forbidden Love" occur very regularly in Jordan. Often, they are committed with even less provocation than Dalia's and with even greater brutality. I hope this isn't lost in all the brouhaha surrounding Norma.

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"